Whakaritea he Whakatauranga Kore

Ka whakapā atu to maatau māngai ki a koe i te wa poto.
ingoa kamupene
product 20x20 30x30 40x40 50x50 cold rolled steel tube square and rectangular steel tube-41

20x20 30x30 40x40 50x50 ngongo maitai takai makariri tapawha me te ngongo maitai tapawhā

20x20 30x30 40x40 50x50 ngongo maitai takai makariri tapawha me te ngongo maitai tapawhā

  • Overview
  • tawhā
  • e pā ana Products
Whakaahuatanga Hua
20x20 30x30 40x40 50x50 cold rolled steel tube square and rectangular steel tube details
20x20 30x30 40x40 50x50 cold rolled steel tube square and rectangular steel tube manufacture
20x20 30x30 40x40 50x50 ngongo maitai takai makariri tapawha me te ngongo maitai tapawhā
Raina Tawhito
10*10mm ki te 200*200mm
Wall Matotoru
0.5mm - 2.2mm
6m 12m kua whakaritea ranei

Paerewa & Kōeke
GB/T 3091 GB/T9711 Q195 Q235 Q345
API 5L AB X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70
BS1387 EN39 st37 st52
EN10210 EN10219 EN10255 S235 S275 S355
AS1163 C250 C350
Maimoatanga o runga
Whakaaturanga Papamahi


1) Te hinu i runga i te raina whakaputa

2) Tapahia te roa kua whakaritea i runga i te raina whakaputa me te manawanui +/-5mm

3) He kore utu te Bevel

4) Kiki i nga hua kia rite ki to hiahia

20x20 30x30 40x40 50x50 cold rolled steel tube square and rectangular steel tube details
20x20 30x30 40x40 50x50 cold rolled steel tube square and rectangular steel tube factory
20x20 30x30 40x40 50x50 cold rolled steel tube square and rectangular steel tube supplier
20x20 30x30 40x40 50x50 cold rolled steel tube square and rectangular steel tube manufacture
Te whakapiri & te utunga

1. I roto i te paihere ki te 8-9 karawarawa maitai mo te iti diameter paipa maitai
2. I takaia te paihere ki te peeke wai, katahi ka paihere ki nga karaehe rino me te whitiki hikina nylon ki nga pito e rua.

4. Ka rite ki te hiahia o te kaihoko

20x20 30x30 40x40 50x50 cold rolled steel tube square and rectangular steel tube manufacture
20x20 30x30 40x40 50x50 cold rolled steel tube square and rectangular steel tube factory
Profile kamupene
20x20 30x30 40x40 50x50 cold rolled steel tube square and rectangular steel tube supplier
20x20 30x30 40x40 50x50 cold rolled steel tube square and rectangular steel tube details
20x20 30x30 40x40 50x50 cold rolled steel tube square and rectangular steel tube factory

Ko Ehong Steel kei roto i te porowhita ohaoha o te moana o Bohai o te taone nui o Cai, te rohe o Jinghai papa ahumahi, e mohiotia ana ko te kaihanga putorino maitai i Haina.

I whakapumautia i te tau 1998, i runga i tana ake kaha, kei te whanake haere tonu matou.

Ko te katoa o nga rawa o te wheketere e kapi ana i te rohe o te 300 eka, inaianei kua neke atu i te 200 nga kaimahi, me te kaha o te whakaputanga o ia tau 1 miriona taranata.

Hua matua he putorino maitai ERW, putorino piauau maitai, putorino maitai torino, putorino maitai tapawha me te tapawhā,. I whiwhi matou i nga tiwhikete ISO9001-2008, API 5L.

Tianjin Ehong International Trade Co., Ltd ko te tari hokohoko me te 15 tau te wheako kaweake. Na te tari hokohoko i kaweake i te tini o nga hua rino me te utu pai me nga hua o te kounga teitei.

Kei a maatau ake te taiwhanga ka taea te mahi i nga whakamatautau e whai ake nei: Te whakamatautau i te pehanga Hydrostatic, Te whakamatautau hanganga matū, te whakamatautau pakeke o te Rockwell Digital, te whakamatautau whakakitenga hapa X-ray, te whakamatautau i te paanga Charpy, Ultrasonic NDT
Q: He kaihanga koe?

A: Ae, ko matou te kaihanga ngongo maitai e noho ana i te kainga o Daqiuzhuang, taone nui o Tianjin, Haina.

Q: Ka taea e au te tono whakamatautau kia maha noa nga taranata?

A: Ko te tikanga. Ka taea e matou te tuku utanga mo koe me te LCL serivece.(He iti ake te uta ipu)

Q: Kei a koe te utu utu?

A: Mo te raupapa nui, 30-90 ra L / C ka taea te whakaae.

Q: Mena he tauira kore utu?

A: Tauira kore utu, engari ka utua e te kaihoko te utu.

Q: He kaiwhakarato koura koe me te mahi tauhokohoko hokohoko?

A: E whitu nga tau o te kaiwhakarato makariri me te whakaae ki te tauhokohoko hokohoko.
20x20 30x30 40x40 50x50 cold rolled steel tube square and rectangular steel tube supplier

product 20x20 30x30 40x40 50x50 cold rolled steel tube square and rectangular steel tube-65

Whakaritea he Whakatauranga Kore

Ka whakapā atu to maatau māngai ki a koe i te wa poto.
ingoa kamupene