Whakaritea he Whakatauranga Kore

Ka whakapā atu to maatau māngai ki a koe i te wa poto.
ingoa kamupene
t97112 2011 q235b q355b s235jr s355jr big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock-41

Paipa Tiaki Tiupiri

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GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR rahinga torino raina paipa maitai mo te penstock

Ko te paipa SSAW he paipa paipa paipa whiri, he pai te paipa o te paipa SSAW mo te iti o te utu whakaputa, te pai o te whakaputanga, te whānuitanga o te tono, te kaha nui me te tiaki taiao, na reira he whanui te tono mo te hanga miihini me te kawe waka.

  • Overview
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Whakaahuatanga Hua

paipa SSAW- paipa maitai paiherea te tui torino
Kupu Whakataki:Ko te putorino SSAW he paipa tira whiria te paipa tira,Ko te paipa SSAW nga painga o te iti o te utu whakaputa, te pai o te whakaputa, te whānuitanga o te tono, te kaha nui me te tiaki i te taiao, na reira he whanui te tono mo te hanga miihini me te kawe waka.

GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock factory
Paipa maitai paiherea porowhita
Paerewa / Rawa
API 5L, API 5CT, SY/T5037, SY/T5040, GB/T9711.1,
GB/T9711.2, A, B, X42-X80, L175-L555, L245NB, etc.
Diameter waho
5.8m-11.8m, ko nga whakaritenga a te kaihoko.
Wahi o te Origin
Tianjin, Haina
Market Market
Middle East,Africa,South-east Asia,USA,Canada,South America
SAW, ERW welyading etc.
1. Kaupapa puranga
2. Te kaupapa tuku wera
3. Te kawe i te wai inu, te whakaheke, te waro, te wahie, te maina slurry me etahi atu wai pehanga iti me waenganui.
4. API5L Petroleum me te paipa hau taiao
5. Ahumahi matū
6. Te hiko hiko hiko hikoi putorino
Wā Tukunga
tata ki te 20 ra i muri i te whiwhinga o te L/C e kore e taea te whakakore i te tirohanga, 30% ranei te penapena TT
Te paninga o waho
FBE, 2PE, 3PE, 3PP etc.
Mutunga paipa
Ko te pito maama, ko te pito piko, ko te PVC he hipoki me nga pito e rua kua kapi, he miro me te hono
Products Taipitopito
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock details
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock manufacture
Hua Hua
E wha a matou raina whakaputa me te 150.000 tone te utu o te tau, A e rua nga raina whakaputa tere mo nga ota ohorere.
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock supplier
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock factory
Maimoatanga o runga
Ko te paninga o waho: He peita pango, he peita Varnish ranei, he tohu waro epoxy tar, muka karaihe
te kakahu , Te Insulation Coating 3PE, 3PP, FBE, Polyurethane me etahi atu
Ararewa roto: Epoxy, motar sima, me te rite ki te hiahia o nga kaihoko
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock supplier
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock details
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock manufacture
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock factory
1) Utu: FOB, CIF, CFR ranei i te tauranga Xin'gang i Tianjin
3) Te utu: 30% te whakatakoto i mua, te toenga ki te kape o B / L; ranei 100% L/C, etc
3)Wā Arataki: i roto i nga ra mahi 10-25 te tikanga
4)Taapaki: Paerewa tarape moana ranei rite ia koutou tono .(rite pikitia)
5) Tauira: Kei te waatea te tauira kore utu.
6)Ratonga Takitahi: ka taea te tuhi i to waitohu, ingoa waitohu ranei i runga i te hanganga matū q345
Tukunga me te Tarapi

1.Bundle tarapēke ranei i roto i te nuinga,
2. Ko nga pito maapiri, maamaa ranei i runga i te tono a te kaihoko,
3. Tohu: kia rite ki te tono a te kaihoko,
4. Te maimoatanga o te mata: me te paninga varnish / 2PP / 2PE / 3PE / 3PP / FBE ranei,
5. He whakarewa, he kirihou ranei nga potae tiaki i nga pito paipa
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock supplier
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock manufacture
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock manufacture
tono hua
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock details
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock manufacture
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock details
mōhiohio kamupene
Ko Tianjin Ehong International Trade Co., Ltd. he kamupene hokohoko rino ke, neke atu i te 17 tau te wheako kaweake. Ko a tatou hua rino i ahu mai i te hanga o nga wheketere nui mahi tahi, ka tirotirohia ia puranga o nga hua i mua i te tuku, ka whakamanahia te kounga; kei a matou he roopu pakihi hokohoko kee tino ngaio, he tohungatanga hua nui, he korero tere, he tino mahi i muri i te hokonga;

ko o tatou hua matua he momo putorino maitai (RW/SSAW/LSAW/galvanized/square Rectangular Steel Tube/seamless/stainless steel), pūkete (ka taea e tatou te tuku American Standard, British Standard, Australian Standard H-beam), tutaki rino ( te koki / te rino papa, me etahi atu), nga puranga rau, nga pereti me nga roera e tautoko ana i nga ota nui (he nui ake te rahinga ota, he pai ake te utu), werihia te rino, scaffolding, waea rino, whao rino me etahi atu. Kei te titiro whakamua a Ehong ki te mahi tahi ki a koe, ma matou e whakarato ki a koe te ratonga kounga pai me te mahi tahi me koe ki te wikitoria tahi.
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock manufacture
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock factory
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock manufacture
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock details
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock supplier
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock supplier
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock supplier
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock supplier
1.Q: Kei hea to wheketere me tehea tauranga ka kaweake e koe?
A: Ko o maatau wheketere te nuinga kei Tianjin, Haina. Ko te Tauranga tata ko Xingang Port(Tianjin)
2.Q: He aha to MOQ?
A: Ko ta matou MOQ he ipu kotahi, Engari he rereke mo etahi taonga, pls whakapā mai ki a maatau mo nga korero.
3.Q: He aha to wa utu?
A: Utu: T / T 30% hei putea, te toenga ki te kape o B / L. Ko te L/C e kore e taea te whakakore i te tirohanga
4.Q. He aha to tauira kaupapa here?
A: Ka taea e matou te whakarato i te tauira mena kei a matou nga waahanga kua rite i roto i nga taonga, engari me utu nga kaihoko i te utu o te karere. A ka whakahokia nga utu tauira katoa i muri i to whakatakoto i te ota.
5.Q. Kei te whakamatautau koe i o taonga katoa i mua i te tuku?
A: Ae, ka whakamatauhia e matou nga taonga i mua i te tuku.
6.Q: Ka marama nga utu katoa?
A: Ko o maatau korero he maamaa me te ngawari ki te maarama.Kaore e nui te utu.
7.Q: Me pehea taku whakapumau i taku utu?
A: Ka taea e koe te tuku i te ota ma te Tauhokohoko Tauhokohoko i Alibaba.
GB/T9711.2-2011 Q235B Q355B S235JR S355JR big diameter spiral steel pipe line for penstock supplier

Ko te paipa SSAW he paipa paipa paipa whiri, he pai te paipa o te paipa SSAW mo te iti o te utu whakaputa, te pai o te whakaputanga, te whānuitanga o te tono, te kaha nui me te tiaki taiao, na reira he whanui te tono mo te hanga miihini me te kawe waka.

Whakaritea he Whakatauranga Kore

Ka whakapā atu to maatau māngai ki a koe i te wa poto.
ingoa kamupene