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What are the materials and classifications of steel plates?

Nov 21, 2023

Common steel plate materials are ordinary carbon steel plate, stainless steel, high-speed steel, high manganese steel and so on. Their main raw material is molten steel, which is a material made of poured steel after cooling and then mechanically pressed. Most of the steel plates are flat or rectangular, which can not only be mechanically pressed, but also cut with a wide steel strip.

So what are the types of steel plates?

Classification by thickness

(1) thin plate: thickness<4 mm

(2) Middle plate: 4 mm ~20 mm

(3) Thick plate: 20 mm ~60 mm

(4) Extra thick plate: 60 mm ~115 mm


Classified by production method

(1) Hot rolled steel plate: The surface of the hot tie processing has oxide skin, and the plate thickness has a lower difference. Hot rolled steel plate has low hardness, easy processing and good ductility.

(2) Cold rolled steel plate: no oxide skin on the surface of cold binding processing, good quality. The cold-rolled plate has high hardness and relatively difficult processing, but it is not easy to deform and has high strength.


Classified by surface features

(1) Galvanized sheet (hot galvanized sheet, Electro-galvanized sheet) : In order to prevent the surface of the steel plate from being corroded to extend its service life, the surface of the steel plate is coated with a layer of metal zinc.

Hot dip galvanizing: the thin steel plate is immersed in the melted zinc tank, so that its surface adheres to a layer of zinc thin steel plate. At present, it is mainly produced by continuous galvanizing process, that is, continuous immersion of rolled steel plates in melting zinc plating tanks to make galvanized steel plates

Electro-galvanized sheet: The galvanized steel plate made by electroplating has good workability. However, the coating is thin and the corrosion resistance is not as good as that of hot-dip galvanized sheet.

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(2) Tinplate

(3) Composite steel plate

(4) Color coated steel plate: commonly known as color steel plate, with high-quality cold-rolled steel plate, hot-dip galvanized steel plate or aluminized zinc steel plate as the substrate, after surface degreasing, phosphating, chromate treatment and conversion, coated with organic coating after baking.


It has the characteristics of light weight, high strength, bright color and good durability. Widely used in construction, home appliances, decoration, automobile and other fields.

Classification by use

(1) Bridge steel plate

(2) Boiler steel plate: widely used in petroleum, chemical, power station, boiler and other industries.

(3) Shipbuilding steel plate: thin steel plate and thick steel plate produced with shipbuilding special structural steel for the manufacture of the hull structure of ocean-going, coastal and inland navigation ships.

(4) Armor plate

(5) Automobile steel plate:

(6) Roof steel plate

(7) Structural steel plate:

(8) Electrical steel plate (silicon steel sheet)

(9) Others

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